對前途充滿信心,但又直視殘酷的現實。 堅持你一定會成功的信念,同時,要面對現實中最殘忍的事實不論有多大的困難,不論它們是什麼。
sell 1113? ;))))))
should we open a ck whatsapp group lol
sell la...buy other better stock....1113 40 may buy agian...HK..England also GG, China maybe the last peace of money.
hahaha, any other brother like CK?
was thinking to wait till the earnings report next week to clear all 001 and 1113
55 i will buy 2500 and keep it for 5 years, treat as bond
刪除sell 1113? ;))))))
回覆刪除should we open a ck whatsapp group lol
刪除sell la...buy other better stock....1113 40 may buy agian...HK..England also GG, China maybe the last peace of money.
刪除hahaha, any other brother like CK?
刪除was thinking to wait till the earnings report next week to clear all 001 and 1113
刪除55 i will buy 2500 and keep it for 5 years, treat as bond