Student Brother, for now maybe, I hold 30% cash and stock 70% at this moment, I have checked 900 before but didn't buy, now 900 is a bit high...I learn 900 from Mr. Market, it should be a good company but I am not fully understand so didnt buy..
I like to read your Cantonese essay ... very funny and to the point! ^_^
Just learnt you are living in Macau.
About 900.HK : Banks are doing many different sectors of business (some with profits but some may incur losses and penalties), but 900.HK's principal activity is just in credit cards.
Credit cards consumption links with retail sales and so I regard 900.HK is a retail sales stock, more than a financial stock.
In HK, there are about 19~20 millions credit cards issued, of which over 1.2 millions are from Aeon Credit ... so its market share is 6~7%! ... it really is not a small company.
I predict it may earn HK$0.8~0.85/share this year with total dividends HK$0.4~0.45/share. It has a low P/E ratio and high Dividend Yield.
900.HK is an excellent listed company for us value investors.
Student says:
回覆刪除Wong Sir,
Holding cash?
Do you have interest in 900.HK?
(P.S. I have 900.HK.)
Student Brother,
刪除for now maybe, I hold 30% cash and stock 70% at this moment, I have checked 900 before but didn't buy, now 900 is a bit high...I learn 900 from Mr. Market, it should be a good company but I am not fully understand so didnt buy..
Student says:
刪除Wong Sir,
Can you tell me what things you are not fully understanding? ^_^
(P.S. You may reply in Cantonese.)
haha, 我英文比較屎, 因為一來Aeon 係澳門係比較少接觸, 二來始終財務公司有壞帳風險, 我都好少見人用AEON 的信用卡, 唔知有咩吸引的地方?
刪除不過我聽講佢壞帳控制得幾好亦經過幾次風暴都無事, 只係如果一定要買金融機構我會prefer 大型銀行 (傳統觀念), 如5仔同建行, 當然而家都己經好貴了
Student says,
刪除Wong Sir,
I see my English may be worse than you.
I like to read your Cantonese essay ... very funny and to the point! ^_^
Just learnt you are living in Macau.
About 900.HK : Banks are doing many different sectors of business (some with profits but some may incur losses and penalties), but 900.HK's principal activity is just in credit cards.
Credit cards consumption links with retail sales and so I regard 900.HK is a retail sales stock, more than a financial stock.
In HK, there are about 19~20 millions credit cards issued, of which over 1.2 millions are from Aeon Credit ... so its market share is 6~7%! ... it really is not a small company.
I predict it may earn HK$0.8~0.85/share this year with total dividends HK$0.4~0.45/share. It has a low P/E ratio and high Dividend Yield.
900.HK is an excellent listed company for us value investors.
yes I think so, 加上今次佢業績靚仔更加印證了佢管理層的能力, 可能已經升了好多, 如果有機會降番去6 蚊就好, 當然6蚊都只係我斷估無痛苦的一個關口, 始終無仔細研究
刪除student brother 我見你經常都會有係其他人度留言, 有D 好奇你的背景同持倉心得? 有空多D 來交流下~~大家一齊進步 :)
Student says:
刪除Wong Sir,
Looking for your new essay! ^_^
回覆刪除太古之所以折讓大, 可謂兩鳥在林, 賣產分錢的決定權在swire家族手上, 當然投資折讓股有一定的值搏率, 市場先生成日都話買得平已經係最大的保障/優勢
不過明確有增長以及增加派息令投資者安心d, 始終睇住業績增長同埋年年收多股息有一種"一切在預計之中"既良好感覺, 如果而家老王兄添食1038/1113我都覺得幾合理, DUET+Ista+Reliance的收購成果應該今年年尾業績已經有反映, 出年12個月入帳就更加睇得到:)
係呀, 同一隻股係唔同人手上會有唔同的效果, 有信心的人同無信心的人分別可以差天共地, 太古唔係唔好, 而係我越渣越唔安樂, 心態反影結果, 都係應該搵番屬於自己的行情好
刪除師兄點睇長地?我覺得佢變緊另一隻長建, 而且大把錢, 雖然現在依然有9成收入係地產, 但睇得出行緊長建條路
1113 個市帳我覺得唔止咁低囉, 睇D 股票網話佢值七十幾蚊, 但如果一個中環中心都400億, 我估佢一定唔止七十幾吧~~
刪除我覺得1113 越來越有趣...hehe