對前途充滿信心,但又直視殘酷的現實。 堅持你一定會成功的信念,同時,要面對現實中最殘忍的事實不論有多大的困難,不論它們是什麼。
Wong Sir, Any 001.HK/1038.HK still on hand? ^_^
001 still 20001038 still 1000
Will you consider sell this 1000 shares 1038.HK and buy 1000 shares 001.HK at same time?^_^
001 lower than 50 may consider again...but already not a MUST
Wong Sir,Do you think 1883.HK can stand on >HK$3.00 ? ^_^
it should be HK$4-5 in future several years.
大神tai 加持唔爆升都唔得啦
王爺,u are funny =] i am only small potato
「股價本身已包括了老千因素」<- XDD 有中國特色的估值系統國有銀行俾人話做假賬/硬食呆壞賬/國家任務講左起碼十年,睇下同期的工農中建同渣打匯豐,就發覺計埋老千因素都仲跑贏唔少行業。934 都小注3.04入左,輕微坐艇中...
Wong Sir,
回覆刪除Any 001.HK/1038.HK still on hand?
001 still 2000
回覆刪除1038 still 1000
Will you consider sell this 1000 shares 1038.HK and buy 1000 shares 001.HK at same time?
001 lower than 50 may consider again...but already not a MUST
刪除Wong Sir,
回覆刪除Do you think 1883.HK can stand on >HK$3.00 ?
it should be HK$4-5 in future several years.
刪除大神tai 加持唔爆升都唔得啦
刪除王爺,u are funny =] i am only small potato
刪除「股價本身已包括了老千因素」<- XDD 有中國特色的估值系統
934 都小注3.04入左,輕微坐艇中...