對前途充滿信心,但又直視殘酷的現實。 堅持你一定會成功的信念,同時,要面對現實中最殘忍的事實不論有多大的困難,不論它們是什麼。
941 回A CAP 水前盡派特別息
1883 慘被中信用5蚊私有化
934 慘被中石化用5蚊私有化 / 盡派特別息
215慘被誠哥化用2.5蚊私有化 / 盡派特別息
you may say....i am a dreamer...but i am not the only one....
i hope someday...you will join us....
The most important is sleeping well at nights.^^
P.S. Now is 17Mar2021 10:37a.m.
The most important is sleeping well at nights.^^
回覆刪除P.S. Now is 17Mar2021 10:37a.m.